Dr. Edward Rothberg
Chairman of the Board and Co-Founder
Gurobi Optimization

Dr. Edward Rothberg
Chairman of the Board and Co-Founder
Gurobi Optimization
Dr. Rothberg has served in senior leadership positions in optimization software companies for more than twenty years. Prior to his role as Gurobi Chief Scientist and Chairman of the Board, Dr. Rothberg held the Gurobi CEO position from 2015 - 2022 and the COO position from the co-founding of Gurobi in 2008 to 2015. Prior to co-founding Gurobi, he led the ILOG CPLEX team. Dr. Edward Rothberg has a BS in Mathematical and Computational Science from Stanford University, and an MS and PhD in Computer Science, also from Stanford University. Dr. Rothberg has published numerous papers in the fields of linear algebra, parallel computing, and mathematical programming. He is one of the world's leading experts in sparse Cholesky factorization and computational linear, integer, and quadratic programming. He is particularly well known for his work in parallel sparse matrix factorization, and in heuristics for mixed integer programming.