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Jupyter Model

Railway Dispatching

This model is an example of a railway dispatching problem formulated as an optimization problem using the Gurobi Python API and solved with the...

Jupyter Model

Price Optimization with Competing Products

Create a predictive model to forecast sales based on product prices, then build an optimization model to identify the optimal product mix.

Jupyter Model

Airline Planning After Flight Disruption

Weather events are a major threat to the airline industry. This notebook walks through the optimization problem of deciding which flights to operate...

Jupyter Model

Tackling world hunger using mathematical optimization

Transporting food in a global transportation network is a challenging undertaking. In this notebook, we will build an optimization model to set up a...

Jupyter Model

Optimizing a power generation schedule

The electricity grid powers nearly every aspect of modern life — be it charging a phone, powering a factory, or mining Bitcoin. Managing the supply...

Jupyter Model

Avocado Price Optimization

This example optimizes avocado prices to maximize revenue using a quadratic program. The relationship between price and demand is modeled using...

Resource > Demo

The Traveling Salesman Problem Demo

In this example we'll solve the Traveling Salesman Problem. We'll construct a mathematical model of the problem, implement this model in Gurobi's...

Resource > Demo

Resource Matching Optimization Demo

This demo integrates machine learning and mixed integer programming technologies to address the resource matching optimization problem - providing...

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Gurobi Optimization