Dr. Robert Luce
Principal Developer
Gurobi Optimization
Dr. Robert Luce
Principal Developer
Gurobi Optimization
Dr. Luce is an experienced researcher in applied mathematics, and author of numerous publications in the fields of numerical linear algebra and optimization. He holds a Ph.D. from Technical University of Berlin.
Dr. Matthias Miltenberger
Optimization Support Manager
Gurobi Optimization
Dr. Matthias Miltenberger
Optimization Support Manager
Gurobi Optimization
Dr. Matthias Miltenberger is a mathematician living in Berlin
Michael Winkler
Senior Developer
Gurobi Optimization
Michael Winkler
Senior Developer
Gurobi Optimization
Michael Winkler studied mathematics at the Technical University of Berlin and the Zuse Institute Berlin. In 2008 he started working on SCIP, an academic MIP solver developed at Zuse Institute Berlin. Since 2014 he is part of the development team at Gurobi and he enjoys improving our software.
Dr. Tobias Achterberg
Vice President of Research and Development
Gurobi Optimization
Dr. Tobias Achterberg
Vice President of Research and Development
Gurobi Optimization
Dr. Achterberg studied mathematics and computer science at the Technical University of Berlin and the Zuse Institute Berlin. He finished his PhD in mathematics under supervision of Prof. Martin Grötschel in 2007. Dr. Achterberg  is the author of SCIP, currently the best academic MIP solver. In addition to  numerous publications in scientific journals, he has also received several awards for his dissertation and for SCIP, such as the Beale-Orchard-Hays Prize.