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addGenConstrAnd ( resvar, vars, name="" )
Add a new general constraint of type GRB.GENCONSTR_AND to a model.
An AND constraint states that the binary resultant variable should be if and only if all of the operand variables are equal to . If any of the operand variables is , then the resultant should be as well.
Note that all variables participating in such a constraint will be forced to be binary; independently of how they were created.
resvar (Var): The variable whose value will be equal to the AND concatenation of the other variables.
vars (list of Var): The variables over which the AND concatenation will be taken.
name (string, optional): Name for the new general constraint.
Example usage:
# x5 = and(x1, x3, x4) model.addGenConstrAnd(x5, [x1, x3, x4], "andconstr")