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GRBenv* | GRBgetmultiobjenv ( | GRBmodel | *model, |
int | num ) |
Create/retrieve a multi-objective environment for the objective with the given index. This environment enables fine-grained control over the multi-objective optimization process. Specifically, by changing parameters on this environment, you modify the behavior of the optimization that occurs during the corresponding pass of the multi-objective optimization.
Each multi-objective environment starts with a copy of the current model environment.
Please refer to the discussion of Multiple Objectives for information on how to specify multiple objective functions and control the tradeoff between them.
Return value:
The environment associated with a given multiobjective number in the model. A NULL return value indicates that there was a problem retrieving the environment.
model: The model from where we want to retrieve the multiobjecitve environment.
num: The multiobjective number.
Example usage:
GRBenv *env0 = GRBgetmultiobjenv(model,0); GRBenv *env1 = GRBgetmultiobjenv(model,1); GRBsetintparam(env0, "Method", 2); GRBsetintparam(env1, "Method", 1); GRBoptimize(model); GRBdiscardmultiobjenvs(model);
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