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Listing Batches

Optimization jobs running on a Compute Server cluster can be listed by using the batches command. The batches command is actually a shortcut for the batch list command. For example:

> grbcluster batches
2e05810c ce7ab3a4 2019... COMPLETED 2019... jones 0    grbcluster X 0      glass4.mps solution.sol
ada0a345 66d4783b 2019... COMPLETED 2019... jones 0    grbcluster   288960 misc07.mps solution.sol

Note that you can get more information by using the —long flag. With this flag, the command will also display the batch ID and the complete job ID, which is unique, instead of the short ID. To get an explanation of the meanings of the different fields, add the —describe flag. For example:

> grbcluster batches --describe
ID        - Unique batch ID, use --long to display full ID
JOB       - Unique job ID, use --long to display full ID
CREATED   - Batch created  time
Status    - Batch Status
STIME     - Batch status updated time
USER      - Client username (not displayed if empty or restricted)
APP       - Application name (not displayed if empty or restricted)
PRIO      - Batch priority
API       - API type - Python, C++, Java, .NET, Matlab, R... (not displayed if empty or restricted)
D         - Indicate if batch data was discarded
SIZE      - Size of batch
INPUT     - List filenames of input files (not displayed if empty or restricted)
OUTPUT    - List filenames of output files (not displayed if empty or restricted)
RUNTIME   - Batch runtime version, use --long
PID       - Client process ID, use --long (not displayed if empty or restricted)
HOST      - Client hostname, use --long (not displayed if empty or restricted)
IP        - Client IP address, use --long (not displayed if empty or restricted)
APP       - Client application name, use --long (not displayed if empty or restricted)

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Gurobi Optimization