The Traveling Salesman Problem Demo

In this example we’ll solve the Traveling Salesman Problem. We’ll construct a mathematical model of the problem, implement this model in Gurobi’s Python interface, and compute and visualize an optimal solution.
Resource Matching Optimization Demo

This demo integrates machine learning and mixed integer programming technologies to address the resource matching optimization problem – providing workforce resources with the right skills and capabilities, for the right job, at the right time, location, and cost.
Offshore Wind Farming Demo

In this example, we’ll solve the problem of how to minimize the cost of laying underwater cables to collect electricity produced by an offshore wind farm.
Facility Location Problem Demo

In this example, we’ll solve a simple facility location problem: where to build warehouses to supply a large number of supermarkets.
Cutting Stock Problem with Multiple Master Rolls

This cutting stock problem with multiple master rolls is an example of combinatorial optimization problems that cannot be attacked with machine learning techniques due to the astronomical number of possibilities in the solution space. Also, open-source optimization solvers do not scale to real size cutting stock problems.
Cell Tower Coverage Demo

In this example we’ll solve a simple covering problem: how to build cell towers to provide signal to the largest number of people.
Yield Management

See how mathematical optimization can make your revenues and profits soar in this example, where we’ll show you how an airline can use the AI technology to devise an optimal seat pricing strategy. You’ll learn how to formulate this Yield Management Problem as a three-period stochastic programming problem using the Gurobi Python API and solve it with the Gurobi Optimizer
Milk Collection

In this example, you’ll discover how mathematical optimization can be leveraged to solve a capacitated vehicle routing problem: the Milk Collection Problem. With only one tanker truck with limited capacity, you will need to determine the best possible route for the tanker to take to collect milk every day from a set of farms. Â
Lost Luggage Distribution

In this example, you’ll learn how to use mathematical optimization to solve a vehicle routing problem with time windows, which involves helping a company figure out the minimum number of vans required to deliver pieces of lost or delayed baggage to their rightful owners and determining the optimal assignment of vans to customers.
Protein Comparison

In this example, we’ll show you how to use mathematical optimization to address a Protein Comparison problem. You’ll learn how to model this problem – which involves measuring the similarities of two proteins – as a quadratic assignment problem using the Gurobi Python API and find an optimal solution to it with the Gurobi Optimizer.