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#!/usr/bin/env python3.11 # Copyright 2024, Gurobi Optimization, LLC # This example reads a MIP model from a file, solves it and prints # the objective values from all feasible solutions generated while # solving the MIP. Then it creates the associated fixed model and # solves that model. import sys import gurobipy as gp from gurobipy import GRB if len(sys.argv) < 2: print("Usage: filename") sys.exit(0) # Read and solve model model =[1]) if model.IsMIP == 0: print("Model is not a MIP") sys.exit(0) model.optimize() if model.Status == GRB.OPTIMAL: print(f"Optimal objective: {model.ObjVal:g}") elif model.Status == GRB.INF_OR_UNBD: print("Model is infeasible or unbounded") sys.exit(0) elif model.Status == GRB.INFEASIBLE: print("Model is infeasible") sys.exit(0) elif model.Status == GRB.UNBOUNDED: print("Model is unbounded") sys.exit(0) else: print(f"Optimization ended with status {model.Status}") sys.exit(0) # Iterate over the solutions and compute the objectives model.Params.OutputFlag = 0 print("") for k in range(model.SolCount): model.Params.SolutionNumber = k print(f"Solution {k} has objective {model.PoolObjVal:g}") print("") model.Params.OutputFlag = 1 fixed = model.fixed() fixed.Params.Presolve = 0 fixed.optimize() if fixed.Status != GRB.OPTIMAL: print("Error: fixed model isn't optimal") sys.exit(1) diff = model.ObjVal - fixed.ObjVal if abs(diff) > 1e-6 * (1.0 + abs(model.ObjVal)): print("Error: objective values are different") sys.exit(1) # Print values of nonzero variables for v in fixed.getVars(): if v.X != 0: print(f"{v.VarName} {v.X:g}")