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Gurobi Optimizer Reference Manual
Version 7.5, Copyright © 2017, Gurobi Optimization, Inc.
This is the reference manual for the GurobiTM Optimizer. It contains documentation for the following Gurobi language interfaces:
The Gurobi interactive shell is also documented in the Python section.
Additional Topics
This document covers a number of additional topics, which are listed here:
- Variables and Constraints
- Attributes
- Parameters
- Optimization Status Codes
- Callback Codes
- Error Codes
- File Formats
- Logging
- Command-Line Tool
- Solution Pool
- Multiple Objectives
- Recording API Calls
- Concurrent Optimizer
- Parameter Tuning Tool
- Remote Services
- Distributed Parallel Algorithms
- Compute Server
- Instant Cloud
Additional Resources
You can consult the Gurobi Quick Start for a high-level overview of the Gurobi Optimizer, or the Gurobi Example Tour for a quick tour of the examples provided with the Gurobi distribution.
Getting Help
If you have a question that is not answered in this document, you can
post it to the Gurobi Google
Group. If you have a
current maintenance contract with us, you can send your question to
- C API Overview
- C API Details
- Environment Creation and Destruction
- Model Creation and Modification
- GRBloadmodel
- GRBnewmodel
- GRBcopymodel
- GRBaddconstr
- GRBaddconstrs
- GRBaddgenconstrXxx
- GRBaddgenconstrMax
- GRBaddgenconstrMin
- GRBaddgenconstrAbs
- GRBaddgenconstrAnd
- GRBaddgenconstrOr
- GRBaddgenconstrIndicator
- GRBaddqconstr
- GRBaddqpterms
- GRBaddrangeconstr
- GRBaddrangeconstrs
- GRBaddsos
- GRBaddvar
- GRBaddvars
- GRBchgcoeffs
- GRBdelconstrs
- GRBdelgenconstrs
- GRBdelq
- GRBdelqconstrs
- GRBdelsos
- GRBdelvars
- GRBsetobjectiven
- GRBsetpwlobj
- GRBupdatemodel
- GRBfreemodel
- GRBXaddconstrs
- GRBXaddrangeconstrs
- GRBXaddvars
- GRBXchgcoeffs
- GRBXloadmodel
- Model Solution
- Model Queries
- Input/Output
- Attribute Management
- GRBgetattrinfo
- GRBgetintattr
- GRBsetintattr
- GRBgetintattrelement
- GRBsetintattrelement
- GRBgetintattrarray
- GRBsetintattrarray
- GRBgetintattrlist
- GRBsetintattrlist
- GRBgetdblattr
- GRBsetdblattr
- GRBgetdblattrelement
- GRBsetdblattrelement
- GRBgetdblattrarray
- GRBsetdblattrarray
- GRBgetdblattrlist
- GRBsetdblattrlist
- GRBgetcharattrelement
- GRBsetcharattrelement
- GRBgetcharattrarray
- GRBsetcharattrarray
- GRBgetcharattrlist
- GRBsetcharattrlist
- GRBgetstrattr
- GRBsetstrattr
- GRBgetstrattrelement
- GRBsetstrattrelement
- GRBgetstrattrarray
- GRBsetstrattrarray
- GRBgetstrattrlist
- GRBsetstrattrlist
- Parameter Management and Tuning
- Monitoring Progress - Logging and Callbacks
- Modifying Solver Behavior - Callbacks
- Error Handling
- Advanced simplex routines
- C++ API Overview
- C++ API Details
- GRBEnv
- GRBModel
- GRBModel()
- GRBModel::addConstr()
- GRBModel::addConstrs()
- GRBModel::addGenConstrXxx()
- GRBModel::addQConstr()
- GRBModel::addRange()
- GRBModel::addRanges()
- GRBModel::addSOS()
- GRBModel::addVar()
- GRBModel::addVars()
- GRBModel::chgCoeff()
- GRBModel::chgCoeffs()
- GRBModel::computeIIS()
- GRBModel::discardConcurrentEnvs()
- GRBModel::discardMultiobjEnvs()
- GRBModel::feasRelax()
- GRBModel::fixedModel()
- GRBModel::get()
- GRBModel::getCoeff()
- GRBModel::getCol()
- GRBModel::getConcurrentEnv()
- GRBModel::getConstrByName()
- GRBModel::getConstrs()
- GRBModel::getEnv()
- GRBModel::getGenConstrMax()
- GRBModel::getGenConstrMin()
- GRBModel::getGenConstrAbs()
- GRBModel::getGenConstrAnd()
- GRBModel::getGenConstrOr()
- GRBModel::getGenConstrIndicator()
- GRBModel::getGenConstrs()
- GRBModel::getMultiobjEnv()
- GRBModel::getObjective()
- GRBModel::getPWLObj()
- GRBModel::getQCRow()
- GRBModel::getQConstrs()
- GRBModel::getRow()
- GRBModel::getSOS()
- GRBModel::getSOSs()
- GRBModel::getTuneResult()
- GRBModel::getVarByName()
- GRBModel::getVars()
- GRBModel::optimize()
- GRBModel::optimizeasync()
- GRBModel::presolve()
- GRBModel::read()
- GRBModel::remove()
- GRBModel::reset()
- GRBModel::setCallback()
- GRBModel::set()
- GRBModel::setObjective()
- GRBModel.setObjectiveN()
- GRBModel::setPWLObj()
- GRBModel::sync()
- GRBModel::terminate()
- GRBModel::tune()
- GRBModel::update()
- GRBModel::write()
- GRBVar
- GRBConstr
- GRBQConstr
- GRBGenConstr
- GRBExpr
- GRBLinExpr
- GRBLinExpr()
- GRBLinExpr::addTerms()
- GRBLinExpr::clear()
- GRBLinExpr::getConstant()
- GRBLinExpr::getCoeff()
- GRBLinExpr::getValue()
- GRBLinExpr::getVar()
- GRBLinExpr::operator=
- GRBLinExpr::operator+
- GRBLinExpr::operator-
- GRBLinExpr::operator+=
- GRBLinExpr::operator-=
- GRBLinExpr::operator*=
- GRBLinExpr::remove()
- GRBLinExpr::size()
- GRBQuadExpr
- GRBQuadExpr()
- GRBQuadExpr::addTerm()
- GRBQuadExpr::addTerms()
- GRBQuadExpr::clear()
- GRBQuadExpr::getCoeff()
- GRBQuadExpr::getLinExpr()
- GRBQuadExpr::getValue()
- GRBQuadExpr::getVar1()
- GRBQuadExpr::getVar2()
- GRBQuadExpr::operator=
- GRBQuadExpr::operator+
- GRBQuadExpr::operator-
- GRBQuadExpr::operator+=
- GRBQuadExpr::operator-=
- GRBQuadExpr::operator*=
- GRBQuadExpr::remove()
- GRBQuadExpr::size()
- GRBTempConstr
- GRBColumn
- GRBCallback
- GRBException
- Non-Member Functions
- Attribute Enums
- Parameter Enums
- Java API Overview
- Java API Details
- GRBEnv
- GRBModel
- GRBModel()
- GRBModel.addConstr()
- GRBModel.addConstrs()
- GRBModel.addGenConstrXxx()
- GRBModel.addQConstr()
- GRBModel.addRange()
- GRBModel.addRanges()
- GRBModel.addSOS()
- GRBModel.addVar()
- GRBModel.addVars()
- GRBModel.chgCoeff()
- GRBModel.chgCoeffs()
- GRBModel.computeIIS()
- GRBModel.discardConcurrentEnvs()
- GRBModel.discardMultiobjEnvs()
- GRBModel.dispose()
- GRBModel.feasRelax()
- GRBModel.fixedModel()
- GRBModel.get()
- GRBModel.getCoeff()
- GRBModel.getCol()
- GRBModel.getConcurrentEnv()
- GRBModel.getConstrByName()
- GRBModel.getConstrs()
- GRBModel.getEnv()
- GRBModel.getGenConstrMax()
- GRBModel.getGenConstrMin()
- GRBModel.getGenConstrAbs()
- GRBModel.getGenConstrAnd()
- GRBModel.getGenConstrOr()
- GRBModel.getGenConstrIndicator()
- GRBModel.getGenConstrs()
- GRBModel.getMultiobjEnv()
- GRBModel.getObjective()
- GRBModel.getPWLObj()
- GRBModel.getQCRow()
- GRBModel.getQConstrs()
- GRBModel.getRow()
- GRBModel.getSOS()
- GRBModel.getSOSs()
- GRBModel.getTuneResult()
- GRBModel.getVarByName()
- GRBModel.getVars()
- GRBModel.optimize()
- GRBModel.optimizeasync()
- GRBModel.presolve()
- GRBModel.remove()
- GRBModel.reset()
- GRBModel.setCallback()
- GRBModel.set()
- GRBModel.setObjective()
- GRBModel.setObjectiveN()
- GRBModel.setPWLObj()
- GRBModel.sync()
- GRBModel.terminate()
- GRBModel.tune()
- GRBModel.update()
- GRBModel.write()
- GRBVar
- GRBConstr
- GRBQConstr
- GRBGenConstr
- GRBExpr
- GRBLinExpr
- GRBQuadExpr
- GRBColumn
- GRBCallback
- GRBException
- .NET API Overview
- .NET API Details
- GRBEnv
- GRBModel
- GRBModel()
- GRBModel.AddConstr()
- GRBModel.AddConstrs()
- GRBModel.AddGenConstrXxx()
- GRBModel.AddQConstr()
- GRBModel.AddRange()
- GRBModel.AddRanges()
- GRBModel.AddSOS()
- GRBModel.AddVar()
- GRBModel.AddVars()
- GRBModel.ChgCoeff()
- GRBModel.ChgCoeffs()
- GRBModel.ComputeIIS()
- GRBModel.DiscardConcurrentEnvs()
- GRBModel.DiscardMultiobjEnvs()
- GRBModel.Dispose()
- GRBModel.FeasRelax()
- GRBModel.FixedModel()
- GRBModel.Get()
- GRBModel.GetCoeff()
- GRBModel.GetCol()
- GRBModel.GetConcurrentEnv()
- GRBModel.GetConstrByName()
- GRBModel.GetConstrs()
- GRBModel.GetEnv()
- GRBModel.GetGenConstrMax()
- GRBModel.GetGenConstrMin()
- GRBModel.GetGenConstrAbs()
- GRBModel.GetGenConstrAnd()
- GRBModel.GetGenConstrOr()
- GRBModel.GetGenConstrIndicator()
- GRBModel.GetGenConstrs()
- GRBModel.GetMultiobjEnv()
- GRBModel.GetObjective()
- GRBModel.GetPWLObj()
- GRBModel.GetQConstr()
- GRBModel.GetQConstrs()
- GRBModel.GetQCRow()
- GRBModel.GetRow()
- GRBModel.GetSOS()
- GRBModel.GetSOSs()
- GRBModel.GetTuneResult()
- GRBModel.GetVarByName()
- GRBModel.GetVars()
- GRBModel.Optimize()
- GRBModel::OptimizeAsync()
- GRBModel.Presolve()
- GRBModel.Read()
- GRBModel.Remove()
- GRBModel.Reset()
- GRBModel.SetCallback()
- GRBModel.Set()
- GRBModel.SetObjective()
- GRBModel.SetObjectiveN()
- GRBModel.SetPWLObj()
- GRBModel.Terminate()
- GRBModel.Tune()
- GRBModel.Update()
- GRBModel.Write()
- GRBVar
- GRBConstr
- GRBQConstr
- GRBGenConstr
- GRBExpr
- GRBLinExpr
- GRBQuadExpr
- GRBTempConstr
- GRBColumn
- Overloaded Operators
- GRBCallback
- GRBException
- Python API Overview
- Python API Details
- Global Functions
- Model
- Model()
- Model.addConstr()
- Model.addConstrs()
- Model.addGenConstrXxx()
- Model.addGenConstrMax()
- Model.addGenConstrMin()
- Model.addGenConstrAbs()
- Model.addGenConstrAnd()
- Model.addGenConstrOr()
- Model.addGenConstrIndicator()
- Model.addQConstr()
- Model.addRange()
- Model.addSOS()
- Model.addVar()
- Model.addVars()
- Model.cbCut()
- Model.cbGet()
- Model.cbGetNodeRel()
- Model.cbGetSolution()
- Model.cbLazy()
- Model.cbSetSolution()
- Model.cbUseSolution()
- Model.chgCoeff()
- Model.computeIIS()
- Model.copy()
- Model.discardConcurrentEnvs()
- Model.discardMultiobjEnvs()
- Model.feasRelaxS()
- Model.feasRelax()
- Model.fixed()
- Model.getAttr()
- Model.getCoeff()
- Model.getCol()
- Model.getConcurrentEnv()
- Model.getConstrByName()
- Model.getConstrs()
- Model.getGenConstrMax()
- Model.getGenConstrMin()
- Model.getGenConstrAbs()
- Model.getGenConstrAnd()
- Model.getGenConstrOr()
- Model.getGenConstrIndicator()
- Model.getGenConstrs()
- Model.getMultiobjEnv()
- Model.getObjective()
- Model.getParamInfo()
- Model.getPWLObj()
- Model.getQConstrs()
- Model.getQCRow()
- Model.getRow()
- Model.getSOS()
- Model.getSOSs()
- Model.getTuneResult()
- Model.getVarByName()
- Model.getVars()
- Model.message()
- Model.optimize()
- Model.presolve()
- Model.printAttr()
- Model.printQuality()
- Model.printStats()
- Model.relax()
- Model.remove()
- Model.reset()
- Model.resetParams()
- Model.setAttr()
- Model.setObjective()
- Model.setObjectiveN()
- Model.setPWLObj()
- Model.setParam()
- Model.terminate()
- Model.tune()
- Model.update()
- Model.write()
- Var
- Constr
- QConstr
- GenConstr
- LinExpr
- QuadExpr
- GenExpr
- TempConstr
- Column
- Callbacks
- GurobiError
- Env
- tuplelist
- tupledict
- General Constraint Helper Functions
- MATLAB API Overview
- Solving models with the Gurobi MATLAB interface
- Reading and writing models with the Gurobi MATLAB interface
- Computing an IIS with the Gurobi MATLAB interface
- Setting up the Gurobi MATLAB interface
- R API Overview
- Solving models with the Gurobi R interface
- Writing models with the Gurobi R interface
- Installing the R package
- Variables and Constraints
- Attributes
- Model Attributes
- NumConstrs
- NumVars
- NumSOS
- NumQConstrs
- NumGenConstrs
- NumNZs
- DNumNZs
- NumQNZs
- NumQCNZs
- NumIntVars
- NumBinVars
- NumPWLObjVars
- ModelName
- ModelSense
- ObjCon
- ObjVal
- ObjBound
- ObjBoundC
- PoolObjBound
- PoolObjVal
- MIPGap
- Runtime
- Status
- SolCount
- IterCount
- BarIterCount
- NodeCount
- IsQP
- IsMultiObj
- IISMinimal
- MaxCoeff
- MinCoeff
- MaxBound
- MinBound
- MaxObjCoeff
- MinObjCoeff
- MaxRHS
- MinRHS
- MaxQCCoeff
- MinQCCoeff
- MaxQCLCoeff
- MinQCLCoeff
- MaxQObjCoeff
- MinQObjCoeff
- Kappa
- KappaExact
- FarkasProof
- TuneResultCount
- LicenseExpiration
- Variable Attributes
- Linear Constraint Attributes
- SOS Attributes
- Quadratic Constraint Attributes
- General Constraint Attributes
- Quality Attributes
- BoundVio
- BoundSVio
- BoundVioIndex
- BoundSVioIndex
- BoundVioSum
- BoundSVioSum
- ConstrVio
- ConstrSVio
- ConstrVioIndex
- ConstrSVioIndex
- ConstrVioSum
- ConstrSVioSum
- ConstrResidual
- ConstrSResidual
- ConstrResidualIndex
- ConstrSResidualIndex
- ConstrResidualSum
- ConstrSResidualSum
- DualVio
- DualSVio
- DualVioIndex
- DualSVioIndex
- DualVioSum
- DualSVioSum
- DualResidual
- DualSResidual
- DualResidualIndex
- DualSResidualIndex
- DualResidualSum
- DualSResidualSum
- ComplVio
- ComplVioIndex
- ComplVioSum
- IntVio
- IntVioIndex
- IntVioSum
- Multi-objective Attributes
- Attribute Examples
- Model Attributes
- Parameters
- Parameter Guidelines
- Parameter Descriptions
- AggFill
- Aggregate
- BarConvTol
- BarCorrectors
- BarHomogeneous
- BarOrder
- BarQCPConvTol
- BarIterLimit
- BestBdStop
- BestObjStop
- BranchDir
- DegenMoves
- CliqueCuts
- ConcurrentJobs
- ConcurrentMIP
- ConcurrentSettings
- CoverCuts
- Crossover
- CrossoverBasis
- Cutoff
- CutAggPasses
- CutPasses
- Cuts
- Disconnected
- DisplayInterval
- DistributedMIPJobs
- DualReductions
- FeasibilityTol
- FeasRelaxBigM
- FlowCoverCuts
- FlowPathCuts
- GomoryPasses
- GUBCoverCuts
- Heuristics
- IISMethod
- ImpliedCuts
- ImproveStartGap
- ImproveStartNodes
- ImproveStartTime
- InfProofCuts
- InfUnbdInfo
- InputFile
- IntFeasTol
- IterationLimit
- LazyConstraints
- LogFile
- LogToConsole
- MarkowitzTol
- Method
- MinRelNodes
- MIPFocus
- MIPGap
- MIPGapAbs
- MIPSepCuts
- MIQCPMethod
- MIRCuts
- ModKCuts
- MultiObjMethod
- MultiObjPre
- NetworkCuts
- NodefileDir
- NodefileStart
- NodeLimit
- NodeMethod
- IgnoreNames
- NormAdjust
- NumericFocus
- ObjScale
- OptimalityTol
- ObjNumber
- OutputFlag
- PerturbValue
- PoolGap
- PoolSearchMode
- PoolSolutions
- PreCrush
- PreDepRow
- PreDual
- PreMIQCPForm
- PrePasses
- PreQLinearize
- Presolve
- PreSOS1BigM
- PreSOS2BigM
- PreSparsify
- ProjImpliedCuts
- PSDTol
- PumpPasses
- QCPDual
- Quad
- Record
- ResultFile
- ScaleFlag
- Seed
- Sifting
- SiftMethod
- SimplexPricing
- SolutionLimit
- SolutionNumber
- StartNodeLimit
- StrongCGCuts
- SubMIPCuts
- SubMIPNodes
- Symmetry
- Threads
- TimeLimit
- TuneCriterion
- TuneJobs
- TuneOutput
- TuneResults
- TuneTimeLimit
- TuneTrials
- UpdateMode
- VarBranch
- WorkerPassword
- WorkerPool
- WorkerPort
- ZeroHalfCuts
- ZeroObjNodes
- Parameter Examples
- Optimization Status Codes
- Callback Codes
- Error Codes
- Model File Formats
- MPS format
- REW format
- LP format
- RLP format
- ILP format
- OPB format
- MST format
- HNT format
- ORD format
- BAS format
- SOL format
- PRM format
- Logging
- Simplex Logging
- Barrier Logging
- Sifting Logging
- MIP Logging
- Multi-Objective Logging
- Distributed MIP Logging
- Gurobi Command-Line Tool
- Solution Pool
- Multiple Objectives
- Recording API Calls
- Concurrent Optimizer
- Parameter Tuning Tool
- Gurobi Remote Services
- Distributed Parallel Algorithms
- Configuring a Distributed Worker Pool
- Writing Your Own Distributed Algorithms
- Distributed Algorithm Considerations
- Gurobi Compute Server
- Gurobi Instant Cloud